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Los Indonesios

Rock and Pop
A.k.a. The Black Dynamites

Los Indonesios is a legendary Dutch Indorock band that started in the 1950's as the Bell Boys together with other Indorock legends such as the Tielman Brothers plus Oety and his Real Rockers. They soon changed their name into The Black Dynamites and were known for their amazing stage show with crazy acrobatics. In 1959 they won a contest in the Netherlands which led to a recording contract with record label Delahay from their hometown The Hague (Den Haag). Later that year they also won a contest in Belgium. In 1960 they started touring all over Germany also playing in Hamburg during the time that the Beatles were just starting out as an amateur band. The band also played in such countries as Belgium, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, France, etc. In 1961 the Black Dynamites went to Spain to perform over there in various cities. Although they went back to perform in Germany and other countries, each year they would return to Spain to perform over there (mostly during summers). It was in Spain were the group eventually would win the first prize at the Festival De Leon and that secured them a recording and film contract. The record company demanded though that the band changed their name the Black Dynamites into the Spanish name Los Indonesios (The Indonesians), which was what the audience would call them and remember them by after having seen their amazing shows. Los Indonesios started touring all over Spain and became popular during the years 1964-1967. In 1970 Los Indonesios moved to Lesotho in South Africa, were they performed for King Moshoeshoe and the royal family. After having toured all over Africa they returned to Spain in 1974 and would perform there till 1977, the year they returned to the Netherlands - the country were it all once started for the Black Dynamites / Los Indonesios. The band continued performing in the Netherlands as well as in Germany during the 80's, 90's and past millenium. Los Indonesios also returned to Spain a few times in later years to do some small shows especially for the fans.

PortraitAugusto Algueró
1934-2011 ES
PortraitShorty Miller
eg, voc
Rafael Pérez
dr, perc ES
PortraitHerbert Hooikaas
PortraitHarry Koster
sax, eg, g
PortraitReggy Tielman
PortraitRudi Pieroelie
voc, eb
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Twistin' Con Los Indonesios (extended Version) on De Rock 'n Roll Methode 20 by Various Artists
Twist, amor on Especial León by Various Artists
El silencio es Oro on Especial León by Various Artists
Twistin' Con Los Indonesios on De Rock 'n Roll Methode 9 by Various Artists

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
At MaseruLos Indonesios1972Album
El Silencio Es Oro / Can't You Hear Me / Te Veré En Septiembre / Safe It For MeLos Indonesios1968Single
El Silencio Es Oro / Can't You Hear MeLos Indonesios1967Single
Te Vere En SeptiembreLos Indonesios1966Single
I Know YouLos Indonesios1965Single
Twistin' Con Los IndonesiosLos Indonesios1965Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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