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Album Cover
The Place Where The Black Stars Hang

Album GB 1994 on Side Effects label
Electronic (Dark Ambient)

Conceived and produced at Scientific Electric, London 1993 Metastatic Resonance derived from recordings made at Anterior Research Station Sheffield, November 1990 Digital Mastering at Porky's London, August 1993 A remastered reissue was released on Soleilmoon (SOL 141 CD) in August 2006.

PortraitLustmord , *1980
album by
PortraitTracey Roberts ,
concept by, from an idea originally proposed by
PortraitAdi Newton voc, cl, GB
featuring, derived from recordings made with
Kevin Hanley artwork, design
Brian Lustmord concept by, producer, liner notes, design
Denis Blackham mastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Section 1: Sol Om OnLustmord3:49
2Section 2: Aldebaran Of The HyadesLustmord24:56
3Section 3: Dark CompanionLustmord14:41
4Section 4: Metastatic ResonanceLustmord25:35
5Section 5: Dog Star DescendsLustmord6:48
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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