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Album Cover
Luxus Leverpostei
Bare Ræva

Album NO 1997 on Funny Times Gap label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock)

Cover: ℗ & © MTG Productions CD: ℗ & © MTG-Productions Booklet contains song lyrics. Track 12 includes 2 hidden tracks. Track 12-1 lasts for 4:56, and is followed by 3:06 of silence. Track 12-3 starts shortly after 12-2.

PortraitLuxus Leverpostei ,
album by
PortraitDennis voc, b, NO
vocals, bass, rumpebass, written by
PortraitJohnny Bakke dr, cym,
drums, cymbal
PortraitBob Kåre voc, g,
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitStålull Stålesen ,
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitGerhard Lister key,
keyboards, på hvite tangenter, performer, andre medvirkende, keyboards, på sorte tangenter, performer, andre medvirkende
Midt-Norsk Musikkservice booking
Johnny Svindland design, cover design
Fotosentralen as. photography by
Rolf Erik photography by
Luxus Leverpostei producer
Trond Nilsen producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DagdrømLuxus LeverposteiDennis4:06
2TampongfestLuxus LeverposteiStålull Stålesen3:58
3Fashion & MoteLuxus LeverposteiDennis3:27
4JesusbildeLuxus LeverposteiBob Kåre, Dennis, Stålull Stålesen4:10
5Bare 4 ÅrLuxus LeverposteiDennis5:15
6She Looks Like HellLuxus LeverposteiDennis2:52
7Tak Øve FedaLuxus LeverposteiBob Kåre4:05
8KjendisLuxus LeverposteiBob Kåre, Dennis2:35
9SadoLuxus LeverposteiDennis4:29
10§195Luxus LeverposteiBob Kåre, Dennis3:10
11En Enkel Sang Om LivetLuxus LeverposteiDennis2:51
12Lille PikeLuxus LeverposteiBob Kåre8:02
13(silence)Luxus Leverpostei2:45
14Hvis Du Er Kåt En DagLuxus Leverpostei3:01
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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