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Band, *1971 TR
Rock and Pop
A.k.a. MFÖ (Mazhar-Fuat-Özkan)

Mazhar-Fuat-Özkan (MFÖ) is a Turkish pop and rock band consisting of Mazhar Alanson, Fuat Güner and Özkan Uğur. While many of their songs poke fun at common Turkish types ("Ali Desidero", "Piskopatım") or satirise prejudice and corruption ("Deli Deli", "Rüşvet"), others are more spiritual in nature, showing their interest in Sufism ("Sufi", "Ateş-i Aşka").The trio represented Turkey in the Eurovision Song Contest twice; in 1985 in Gothenburg, Sweden they came 14th with Didai Didai Dai, and in 1988 in Dublin, Ireland, performing the song Sufi to finish in 15th place.

PortraitFuat Güner
acg, eg *1948 TR
PortraitÖzkan Uğur
voc, eb, b *1953 TR
PortraitMazhar Alanson
h, voc *1950 TR
Popular Tracks   
Sarı Laleler on Agu by MFÖ
Ele Güne Karşı on Ele Güne Karşı Yapayalnız by MFÖ
Sakın Gelme on M.V.A.B by MFÖ
Mazeretim Var Asabiyim Ben on M.V.A.B by MFÖ
Hep Yaşın 19 on Ve MFÖ by MFÖ
Ali Desidero on Geldiler by MFÖ
Aşkın Kenarından on Kendi Kendine by MFÖ
Olduramadım on Agu by MFÖ
Güllerin İçinden on Ele Güne Karşı Yapayalnız by MFÖ
Yalnızlık Ömür Boyu on Ele Güne Karşı Yapayalnız by MFÖ

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Kendi KendineMFÖ2017Album
Senfonik KonserMFÖ2013Album
Ve MFÖMFÖ2011Album
Agannaga RüşvetMFÖ1992Album
The Best Of MFÖMFÖ1989Compil.
Sufi (Eurovision Song Contest '88 - Turkey)MFÖ1988Single
No ProblemMFÖ1987Album
Vak The RockMFÖ1986Album
Aşık Oldum (Didai Didai Dai)MFÖ1985Single
Peki Peki AnladıkMFÖ1985Album
Ele Güne Karşı YapayalnızMFÖ1984Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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