A one-off band especially for the Rudolstadt festival. The focus in 2015 was on cistern. The Cister is a kind of Lute with pairs of metal strings. In Germany of the 17th century it was also called Cyther or Zitter, but this leads to mix-ups and confusion when the Zither became more popular. Musicians: Cristobal Rentero Cordero - Laúd, Bandúrria Donal Lunny - Irish Bouzouki Doc Rossi - English Guitar Pedro Caldeira Cabral - Guitarra Portuguesa Simon Stålspets - Nordic Mandola Wolfgang Meyering - Flachmandoline, Waldzither accompanied by: Michael Waterstradt - Bass Valentin Arnold - Drums Special Guests: Jürgen B. Wolff - Thüringer Waldzither Jochen Wiegandt - Hamburger Waldzither