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Album Cover
Majic Ship
The Complete Authorized Recordings

Compil. US 1997 on Gear Fab Records label
Rock (Psychedelic Rock, Hard Rock, Pop Rock)

Tracks 1 & 6 originally released as single A and B-side in 1968. Tracks 2 & 3 are demos recorded in 1966. Tracks 4 & 5 originally released as single A and B-side in 1969. Track 7 originally released as single A-side in 1970. Tracks 8 & 9 originally released as single A and B-side in 1969. Tracks 10 to 19 originally released as LP " Majic Ship " in 1970. Track 20 is a new song recorded in 1997. The Original 1966-70 Recordings, Including The Hit Singles And Unreleased Songs. Also Included, A New 1997 Song, Live Interviews And Photographs (Inlay/Booklet).

PortraitMajic Ship , 1966-1971 US
album by
PortraitCosmo Riozzi b, org,
bass, organ, vocals, written by
John Kharouf
PortraitRob Buckman dr,
drums, written by
PortraitTom Nikosey voc, g, acg,
guitar, vocals, liner notes, design, written by
PortraitPhil Polimeni acg,
lead guitar, written by
Ray Rifice
lead guitar
PortraitMike Garrigan voc,
lead vocals, written by
Jeff Bilotta
PortraitNeil Young voc, g, *1945 CA
written by, down by the river
PortraitStephen Stills g, *1945 US
written by, for what it's worth
Dave Amato producer
Majic Ship producer
Milton Schnapf producer
Ron Wikso producer
The Tokens producer
Roger Maglio remastered by, liner notes
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1High Time MusicMajic ShipJohn Vetere, Ralph Santarpia2:16
2Mustang Sally ( Demo 1966 )Majic ShipBonny Rice3:24
3On The Edge ( Demo 1966 )Majic ShipCosmo Riozzi, Mike Garrigan, Phil Polimeni, Rob Buckman, Tom Nikosey3:25
4Hummin'Majic ShipHayes & Porter2:37
5It's OverMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Tom Nikosey2:19
6Green PlantMajic ShipHank Medress, Jay Siegel, Mitch Margo, Phil Margo2:35
7To Love SomebodyMajic ShipBarry Gibb, Robin Gibb2:50
8On The EdgeMajic ShipCosmo Riozzi, Mike Garrigan, Phil Polimeni, Rob Buckman, Tom Nikosey2:52
9And When It's OverMajic ShipBert Sommer2:12
10Sioux City BluesMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Phil Polimeni3:02
11Wednesday Morning DewMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Tom Nikosey3:07
12Life's Lonely RoadMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Tom Nikosey2:53
13We Gotta Live OnMajic ShipCosmo Riozzi3:18
14Where Are We GoingMajic ShipTom Nikosey2:36
15FreeMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Phil Polimeni4:20
16Down By The River / For What It's WorthMajic ShipNeil Young, Stephen Stills10:54
17NightmareMajic ShipPhil Polimeni, Tom Nikosey2:40
18Too MuchMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Phil Polimeni, Rob Buckman3:28
19Cosmo's ThemeMajic ShipCosmo Riozzi3:49
20Blow Me AwayMajic ShipMike Garrigan, Tom Nikosey3:36
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