Makis Solomos was born in Athens in 1962. Given Greece’s political history, he had a tumultuous childhood: during the dictatorship of the colonels (1967–1974), he was imprisoned with his mother in the Giaros concentration camp and then exiled with his family in France. In 1980, he settled down again in France to study musicology and music. In 1985, he studied composition and philosophy and began a first PhD thesis project on Adorno and musical analysis. Finally, he chose to dedicate himself to musicology and defended a PhD thesis on Xenakis’s music in 1993. In 1997, he organized an important symposium on the notion of space in music and in 1998 the first international symposium on Xenakis. From 1998 to 2010, he was associate professor at University Montpellier. As a teacher of modern music, he supervised many students’ research. From 2001 to 2006, he was member of the Institut universitaire de France. He became full professor and director of the music department of Montpellier 3 in 2009. In 2010, he became full professor at University Paris 8 in the historical musical department of the ex-Vincennes University, which supports musical creation and the notion of musicology as a sensitive approach to music. While supervising new research projects, he was elected director of the research team Aesthetics, musicology, dance, and musical creation.