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Album Cover
Makoto Moroi
Spacephonic Music For Japanese Traditional Instruments

Album JP 2010 on Victor label
Electronic, Folk, World and (Abstract, Experimental)

CD-4 Quadradisc Discrete 4 channel stereo. Comes with insert. From the insert: "Makoto Moroi, a famous japanese composer with rare talent, is engaged on applying the stereophonic space created by 4-channel system as a new medium to express his musical world. Two pieces recorded on this disc present Moroi's space music based on japanese national instruments. 1. Sinfonia "SHIN" (Elongation) for S.M. (Susumu Miyashita) consists of five parts and one coda where the composer freely uses the complicated combination of two 30-sting kotos created by Shuretsu Miyashita, Susumu Miyashita's father, three 13-sting kotos (usual type), gongs and other several kinds of percussion instruments, indian flutes Bansuries and the modulated human voice. The thought of this work is based on Arving Tofler's "Future Shock". Here it is expressed by the diversity of the players and the sound space and movement created by the multi-channel reproducing based on the electronics. The premiere has been accomplished by Susumu Miyashita at his recital in the Little Hall of Tokyo Bunka Kaikan on November 1, 1972. Susumu Miyashita won the Grand Prix of Art Festival 1972 held by Japanese Government by this successful recital. 2. Trio "Ui-Tempen" (Eternal Change) has been especially composed for the 4-channel system CD-4 of Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. at the request of Victor Musical Industries, Inc. Three players with Shakuhachi (bamboo clarinet), Koto and percussion instruments (several kinds of drums and others) create a musical mode by sound field change resulted from their positions or movement, and tension and relax due to self-assertion of each individual player. So the mentioned pieces can be regarded as a creative work based on cooperation of a composer and a recording group." Location: Victor Studio, Tokyo in Dec. 1972 & June 1973.

PortraitMakoto Moroi , 1930-2013 JP
album by
PortraitSusumu Miyashita ,
koto, percussion, bansuri
PortraitRoetsu Tousha ,
percussion, taiko, shime-taiko, performer, oukawa, drums, tsuzumi
PortraitChikuho Sokai ,
Mitsuo Katsui design
Heizo Yoda engineer
Noritsune Matsumoto producer
Sayohachiro Aizawa recording supervisor, recording director
Makoto Moroi
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sinfonia Shin For S.M. (Beggining)Makoto Moroi
2Sinfonia Shin For S.M. (Conclusion)Makoto Moroi
3Trio UitenpenMakoto Moroi
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