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Album Cover
Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba
Piano Music (Country Games And Dances / Intimate Songs I)

Album 2004 on Naxos label

Title on spine: 'Complete Piano Music • 2'

PortraitManuel Blancafort , ES
album by
PortraitMiquel Villalba p, ES
piano, liner notes, album by
Albert Ràfols-Casamada artwork, cover image
Susannah Howe liner notes
Miquel Roger producer, engineer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
16 Peces Breus (6 Short Pieces) (1918-19)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba9:59
2Consolació (Consolation)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:02
3Ballet D'Infants (Children's Ballet)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba0:44
4UntitledManuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:26
5Plany (Lament)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:45
6Brises Disperses (Scattered Breezes)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:01
7Repòs A L'Hora Del Crepuscle (Peaces At Twilight)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:02
8Jocs I Danses Al Camp (Country Games And Dances) (1918-20)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba15:23
9Un Poc Mogut (A Little Movement/Un Poco Moto)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:56
10Poc A Poc (Little By Little/Poco A Poco)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:00
11Suaument (Sweetly/Dolcemente)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:27
12 Reposat (Calm/Tranquillo)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:27
13 A Tota Pressa (With Great Haste/Molto Frettoloso)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:17
14 Molt Animat (Very Animated/Molto Animato)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:17
15 Cants Íntims I (Intimate Songs I) (1918-20)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba18:13
16 'Encara He Trobat Flors Marcides' (I Still Found Withered Flowers)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:24
17 'He Anat A Reposar A La Platja I El Cel Era Tot Gris...' (I Went To The Beach To Relax And The Sky Above Was Grey)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:40
18 'Llàgrimes' (Tears)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:27
19 'Estic Sol I Estic Trist' (I'm Alone And Unhappy)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:44
20 'Queixant-Me Amargament' (Bitterly Bemoaning My Lot)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:09
21 'En Res Puc Trobar Consol' (Nothing Can Console Me)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:46
22 'T'he Perdonat' (I Have Forgiven You)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:19
23 'La Mare Canta I El Bressol Gronxa' (The Mother Sings And Rocks The Cradle)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:43
24 8 Peces Per A Piano (8 Piano Pieces) (1920-1921)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba17:54
25 El Vent Remou La Pineda (The Wind Stirs In The Pine Wood)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:33
26 Església Endolada (Mournful Church)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:09
27 Neguit (Unease)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:59
28 Inquietud (Anxiety)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:01
29 Dolça Tristesa (Sweet Sadness)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba2:00
30 Els Segadors - Sardana (The Reapers - Sardana)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba3:52
31 Adéu A L'Ermita (Farewell To The Chapel)Manuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:36
32 UntitledManuel Blancafort, Miquel Villalba1:45

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