voc, *1956 SK, Turany nad Ondavou
Singer / Composer / Songwriter of Pop and Rock
A.k.a. Mária Gombitová
Marika Gombitová (/ˈmʌrɪkʌ ˈɡɒmbitoʊɑː/; born September 12, 1956) is a Slovak singer-songwriter and disabled musician. Once a member of Modus, Gombitová started to gain early acclaim as a former female vocalist of the group. Nevertheless, she gradually developed her public image as a solo artist, making own debut on short play in 1977. Subsequently after topping the local music charts with "Študentská láska" (1978), her debut set entitled Dievča do dažďa (1979) saw its eventual results on OPUS Records. The album's lead "Vyznanie", earned several music awards; most notably at the 4th Intervision Song Contest held in Poland (1980). In years to come later, the love anthem was to be celebrated as "The Hit of the Century" (2007) in her country.
Modus |
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Single (1977 - 1989) | Marika Gombitová | 2016 | Album |
Ten Príbeh Za Náš Sen Stál | Marika Gombitová | 2015 | Album |
Voľné Miesto V Srdci – Ateliér Duše | Marika Gombitová | 2015 | Album |
Duetá | Marika Gombitová | 2010 | Compil. |
Na Bratislavskej Lýre | Marika Gombitová | 2008 | Compil. |
Vyznanie | Marika Gombitová | 2007 | Compil. |
Gold | Marika Gombitová | 2005 | Compil. |
Nespálme To Krásne V Nás | Marika Gombitová & Miroslav Žbirka | 2001 | Single |
Neberte Nám Princeznú | Marika Gombitová • Marie Rottrová • Miroslav Žbirka | 2001 | Album |
The Best Of The Best | Marika Gombitová | 1998 | Compil. |
Polnočné Otázky (16 Naj 1984-1993) | Marika Gombitová | 1995 | Compil. |
Peklo Milencov / Paradiso | Marika Gombitová | 1994 | Single |
Zostaň | Marika Gombitová | 1994 | Album |
Kam Idú Ľudia? | Marika Gombitová | 1990 | Album |
Tváre Pred Zrkadlom / Ave Maria | Marika Gombitová | 1989 | Single |
Ateliér Duše | Marika Gombitová | 1987 | Album |
Nenápadná / Mami, Mami | Marika Gombitová | 1987 | Single |
Ateliér Duše | Marika Gombitová | 1987 | Album |
Slávnosť Úprimných Slov | Marika Gombitová, Vašo Patejdl, Ján Lehotský, Richard Müller | 1987 | Single |
Voľné Miesto V Srdci | Marika Gombitová | 1986 | Album |
Moje Najmilšie | Marika Gombitová | 1985 | Compil. |
№5 | Marika Gombitová | 1985 | Album |
My Friend The Tree | Marika Gombitová | 1984 | Album |
№5 | Marika Gombitová | 1984 | Album |
Aký Som / Záhradná Kaviareň | Modus, Ján Lehotský, Marika Gombitová | 1983 | Single |
Mince Na Dne Fontán | Marika Gombitová | 1983 | Album |
Slnečný Kalendár | Marika Gombitová | 1982 | Album |
Srdcia Dievčat / Slnečný Kalendár | Marika Gombitová | 1982 | Single |
Chcem Sa S Tebou Deliť • Výmeny | Marika Gombitová | 1981 | Single |
Môj Malý Príbeh | Marika Gombitová | 1981 | Album |
Rainy Day Girl | Marika Gombitová | 1981 | Album |
Kufor A Šál / Nostalgia | Marika Gombitová | 1980 | Single |
Svet Stromov / Tajomstvo Hier | Marika Gombitová | 1980 | Single |
Cirkusový Kôň — Deň Letí | Marika Gombitová | 1980 | Single |
Dievča Do Dažďa | Marika Gombitová | 1979 | Album |
Vyznanie / Malý Veľký Vlak | Marika Gombitová / Miroslav Žbirka | 1979 | Single |
Študentská Láska / Podnájom | Marika Gombitová / Pavol Hammel | 1978 | Single |
Úsmev / Deň Ako Z Pohľadnice | Modus / Marika Gombitová | 1977 | Single |
Boľavé Námestie / Ty Vieš Mama | Marika Gombitová - Modus | 1977 | Single |
Študentská Láska / Zažni | Marika Gombitová Z Grupą Vivat / Miroslav Žbirka Z Grupą Modus | Single |