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Album Cover
Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
Ik Ben Benjamin Ben

Album NL 1998 on Sabra Muziek label
Children's Music (Story, Nursery Rhymes)

Members of Kinderkoor De Kleppertjes are: Mirella, Marieke, Iris, Ricardo, Daphne, Bart, Mariska, Marijse, Kristian and Deborah. Benjamin Ben is performed by puppet theater John de Winter Te Kempenaerstraat 27b 3038 VP Rotterdam 010-4669574 Thanks to Evangelische Omroep, Hilversum. Harry Govers plays Yamaha and Roland instruments.

PortraitMarja Hofstee voc,
voice actor, marja, album by
PortraitBill Angel ss,
voice actor, bill, album by
Kinderkoor De Kleppertjes
PortraitHarry Govers acc, org,
music by, lyrics by, arranged by, photography by, effects, sound effects, keyboards, keys
John de Winter
voice actor, benjamin ben
Yvonne Sprunken
words by, stories
Stella Kiljan
photography by, words by, stories
Marijke Govers directed by
Steinberg-Research edited by, computer editing
Ad Snoeren engineer
Leo Blokhuis layout
Alma De Vries photography by
Joop van der Elst photography by
Harry Govers
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ik Ben Benjamin BenMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
2FotootjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
3Fotootje (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
4DrummenMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
5Drummen (LiedjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
6BangMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
7Bang (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
8BeetjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
9Beetje (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
10ZiekMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
11Ziek (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
12WonenMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
13Wonen (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
14CowboyMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
15Cowboy (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
16DierentuinMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
17Dierentuin (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
18RupsjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
19PetrusMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
20Petrus (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
21ZeeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
22Zee (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
23BeertjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
24Beertje (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
25VogeltjeMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
26Vogeltje (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
27CanonMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
28Canon (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
29OperaMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
30Opera (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
31UchMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
32Uch (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
33SamenMarja Hofstee, Bill Angel
34Samen (Liedje)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
35In Ben Benjamin Ben (Instrumentaal)Marja Hofstee, Bill Angel
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