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Album Cover
Martin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc
Musik In Reiner Stimmung

Album DE 1987 on Lambdoma label
Classical (Modern, Romantic)

Released on a silver Lambdoma label. A large book with musical analysis was included. The ''enharmonic guitar'' is not temperated. That means that for instance A flat and G sharp are not the same pitch, like they would be on a normal guitar.

PortraitMartin Draaf g,
guitar, enharmonische gitarre, album by
PortraitReginald Smith Brindle g, p, org, sax, 1917-2003 GB
album by
PortraitLeo Brouwer g, acg, *1939 CU
album by
PortraitManuel María Ponce Cuéllar , 1882-1948 MX
album by
PortraitFrancis Poulenc p, 1899-1963 FR
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1SarabandeMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc
2Molto Calmo E MelanconicoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:40
3Preludios EpigramaticosMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc
4III LentoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:27
5Estudios SencillosMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc11:38
6I MovidoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc0:54
7II Coral LentoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:00
8III RapidoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc0:37
9V Allegretto (Montune)Martin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:12
10VIMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:19
11VIIMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:38
12XV SarabandeMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc3:39
13PreludesMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc4:26
14IMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:40
15IIMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc0:23
16IVMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc0:28
17VMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc0:42
18VIMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:00
19Etruscan PreludesMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc9:24
20I Tempo Libero (Con Fuoco E Passione)Martin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:23
21II Molto Adagio, E EspressivoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:17
22III Mosso, Ma Non Troppo, EspressivoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:10
23IV Un Poco Lento E SostenutoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc2:05
24V Molto VivaceMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc1:22
25NocturneMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc
26Adagio, Ma Non TroppoMartin Draaf - Reginald Smith Brindle / Leo Brouwer / Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar / Francis Poulenc5:11
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