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Album Cover
Mats Paulson
Mats Paulson

Album SE 2009 on New Music label

No year of release is mentioned on either CD or sleeve. The songs on this CD were recorded in 1988 and 1990. Looking at the style of the CD I would guess it was made in 1990.

PortraitMats Paulson voc, g, *1938 SE
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sommarlov, Vilken Härlig Tid!Mats Paulson2:59
2Ensam I SilverskogMats Paulson2:37
3SommarhamboMats Paulson2:20
4Kort Möte På Ingen Mans ÖMats Paulson3:14
5VårkoralMats Paulson3:14
6En Stad, En MorgonMats Paulson2:57
7Vindens SångMats Paulson3:27
8Det Får Jag Inte!Mats Paulson1:55
9Fikonkvists MorgonpsalmMats Paulson2:33
10Menuett På SlottsbackenMats Paulson2:41
11God Natt, Sov Gott Mitt BarnMats Paulson4:20
12RiddarholmsvalsenMats Paulson2:43
13Visa Vid Vindens ÄngarMats Paulson3:22
14BarfotavisanMats Paulson3:27
15TarantellaMats Paulson3:16
16En Fågel Sjöng I WienerskogMats Paulson3:37
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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