A.k.a. Megapress Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Graphic design company (formerly known as Megapress '94 Kft.) owned by Horváth Gy. Gábor who is in the photography and typography scene since 1984 and responsible both for online and offline graphic designs. They work closely with www.cdreklam.hu. Registration number: Cg. 13-09-128214 [cégjegyzékszám] Registered address: Hunyadi köz 19/2 H-2315 Szigethalom Hungary office: Szél utca 54. H-2092 Budakeszi Hungary Email: info@megapresskft.hu hgyg@megapresskft.hu Phone: +36 23 457 345 +36 30 940 5664 (mobile)