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Album Cover
Mesrine / Sposa In Alto Mare

Album IT 2012 on Gusto Rana! Production label
Electronic and Rock (Grindcore, Punk, Techno)

Mesrine songs A1 to A6 recorded in their rehearsal room in April 2011. Deadly Sinner was recorded in 2006 and is a leftover track from the "Unidentified" album sessions. It is a bonus track. Sposa In Alto Mare recorded at Home Audio Studios, 8 & 9 October 2011. Track B6 is an Agathocles cover. Track B9 is a Malignant Tumour cover. Record press on 550 copies, in August 2012. Aback Distribution and Hecatombe Records catalog numbers are taken from their websites. Underground Pollution Records & ¡ZAS! Autoproduzioni don't have a catalog number for this release. Pressing plant uncredited, identified by the matrix numbers.

PortraitMesrine , *1997 CA
album by
PortraitSposa In Alto Mare ,
album by
PortraitCesco Gore b, IT
PortraitEsteve Decalisse b, voc, CA
PortraitJack Mesrine b,
bass, guitar, backing vocals, recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
PortraitNekro g, IT
cover, artcover & graphic, guitar, vocals, vox
PortraitDan-Charge dr, voc, CA
PortraitSica dr, IT
drums, drum, layout
PortraitFred Samuelsen g, CA
PortraitSteve Jonk voc, CA
vocals, lyrics by
PortraitMago Gabriel , IT
Daniele Ferretto recorded by
Steve Jonk
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Le Clan PouliotMesrine
2Grim SleeperMesrine
3Harold CampingMesrine
4Civilized BarbariansMesrine
5Hidden ThoughtsMesrine
6Dirt & DustMesrine
7Deadly SinnerMesrine
8Una Corsa Di Un Cow-BoySposa In Alto Mare
9Questa È Una Canzone Con Un Testo CortoSposa In Alto Mare
10La Ricetta Del KiwiSposa In Alto Mare
11Black Metal Latin LoverSposa In Alto Mare
12Inno Dell' Heavy Metal & Dell' Hard RockSposa In Alto Mare
13KuroseSposa In Alto Mare
14Nucleare (Calimero Version)Sposa In Alto Mare
15SmetanitoSposa In Alto Mare
16Up Your Fucking ArseSposa In Alto Mare
17Invocazione Di SheovanSposa In Alto Mare
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