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Album Cover
Michael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
Œuvres Pour Orgue (Fünf Stücke, Sieben Choräle Zur Passion, Ricercari)

Album FR 2004 on Triton label
Classical (Contemporary)

Orgue A. Kern de l'église Notre-Dame des Blancs Manteaux de Paris. Recorded in April 2003 Work dates: Fünf Stücke: 1972 Sieben Choräle Zur Passion: 1981/82 Ricercari: 1984

PortraitMichael Radulescu org, hps, *1943 AT
album by
PortraitPascale Rouet org,
organ, liner notes, album by
PortraitLaurent Pélissier ,
engineer, montage
PortraitGeoffrey Marshall ,
liner notes, translation to english
Gilles de Obaldia design
Marie d'Ardenne layout
André Thiébault recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Fünf StückeMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
2I. AdagioMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
3II. PrestoMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
4III. Molto SostenutoMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
5IV. Grave, PassionatoMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
6V. Adagio AssaiMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
7Sieben Choräle Zur PassionMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
8I. Durch Adams Fall Ist Ganz VerderbtMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
9II. Herzliebster JesuMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
10III. Christus, Der Uns Selig MachtMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
11IV. Da Jesus An Dem Kreuze StandMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
12V. O Traurigkeit, O HerzleidMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
13VI. O Lamm Gottes UnschuldigMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
14VII. Wenn Wir In Höchsten Nöten SeinMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
15RicercariMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
16I. OrganaMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
17II. VersusMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
18III. EstampieMichael Radulescu, Pascale Rouet
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