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Album Cover
Michale Graves
The Scarecrow Selections

Album US 2009 on Vile Of Venom label
Alternative (Punk)

Data Disc (Disc 6) contains all original Mp3 format releases and artwork as well as photos, video and desktop wallpapers. It contains also one mp3 track (Blackbird live @ Stone Cove, Maine) not included on the other 5 discs (it can be found in the "Scarecrow Selections" disc folder) Strictly limited edition of 50 handnumbered, signed and certified copies, only available via preorder on in 2009, this box set is a compilation of unique tracks and releases that have previously only been available by download only. Includes tracklist sheet, certificate and WM3 card.

PortraitMichale Graves voc, g, *1975 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Demos And Live Cuts Vol.1Michale Graves
2Almost Home (Octopod Studio Demo - Melancholy Mix)Michale Graves
3Creepy Crawly (Octopod Studio Demo - Mopes Mix)Michale Graves
4Dead Beat (Octopod Studio Demo - Psycho Mix)Michale Graves
5Lucifer, I Am (Demo)Michale Graves
6Frostbite (Demo)Michale Graves
7I Like To Watch ThemMichale Graves
8Shoelace (Original Demo)Michale Graves
9Dig Up Her Bones/Crying On Saturday Night (Live CBGB)Michale Graves
10Almost Home (Live Acoustic CBGB '06)Michale Graves
11Blackbird (Original Demo)Michale Graves
12Thousand Cracks Of DaylightMichale Graves
13The Blackness And The ForestMichale Graves
14Demos And Live Cuts Vol. IIMichale Graves
15Walk Me Through The GraveyardMichale Graves
16Shoelace .9-11-01Michale Graves
17Butchershop ("Bay Ave" Demo)Michale Graves
18One Moment Away (Original Demo)Michale Graves
19Return To Earth (Original Demo)Michale Graves
20Air Superiority (Demo)Michale Graves
21Monster (Original Demo)Michale Graves
22Nobody Thinks About Me (Original Demo)Michale Graves
23House (Original Demo)Michale Graves
24Whitelight (Toronto Session '99)Michale Graves
25All The Cars Behind Me (Original Demo)Michale Graves
26Sometimes The Buildings Cry (Original Demo)Michale Graves
27Demos And Live Cuts Vol. IIIMichale Graves
28Spideman Save MeMichale Graves
29Ground Zero NYCMichale Graves
30Tell MeMichale Graves
31OpheliaMichale Graves
32WastingMichale Graves
33NumbMichale Graves
34Sucking SonMichale Graves
35Iridescent White LightMichale Graves
36Saturday NightMichale Graves
37Morte D'AmoreMichale Graves
38Fiend ClubMichale Graves
39The Arkansas SessionsMichale Graves
40Wormwood (Arkansas Sessions)Michale Graves
41Crying On A Saurday Night (Arkansas Sessions)Michale Graves
42Silent Partner (Haunted)Michale Graves
43Viretta Park (Romania Session)Michale Graves
44The Scarecrow SelectionsMichale Graves
45Creo Burn (Ripsnorter Demo)Michale Graves
46The Eternal Haunting (Demo)Michale Graves
47Locked Away (Demo)Michale Graves
48You Awful Me (Ripsnorter Demo)Michale Graves
49Beware (Halifax Live)Michale Graves
50Fiend Club (Halifax Live)Michale Graves
51Tell Me (Halifax Live)Michale Graves
52The Dead Sleep Easy (Demo)Michale Graves
53Here Come The Monsters (DevilDevil)Michale Graves
54When We Were Angels (Raw - Concept)Michale Graves
55Data DiscMichale Graves
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