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Album Cover
Mijk Van Dijk

Album DE 1999 on Superstition label
Dance (House, Techno, Tech House)

All tracks are joint productions of Mijk van Dijk with another artist. 1: written + produced in Hamburg 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12: written + produced in Berlin 7, 8: written + produced in London 11: written + produced in Amsterdam Total Teamwork-Time: 72:59 (C) 1999 Superstition (P) 1999 Superstition

PortraitMijk Van Dijk voc,
album by, written by, producer
PortraitGerret Frerichs , DE
written by, producer
PortraitGert van Veen ,
written by, producer
PortraitToby Izui , JP
written by, producer
PortraitJohannes Talirz ,
written by, producer
PortraitPaul M. ,
written by, producer
PortraitClaude Young , US
written by, producer
PortraitThomas Schumacher , DE
written by, producer
Weissraum graphics
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1WaterdropMijk Van DijkGerret Frerichs, Mijk Van Dijk9:11
2Hot In JulyMijk Van DijkGert van Veen, Mijk Van Dijk5:39
3Sneak AttackMijk Van DijkMijk Van Dijk, Toby Izui6:01
4Le Chic FlicMijk Van DijkJohannes Talirz, Mijk Van Dijk6:36
5Da Booty Is Ya DutyMijk Van DijkMijk Van Dijk, Paul M.4:52
6Kage-RawMijk Van DijkMijk Van Dijk, Toby Izui5:44
7Never Have It ColdMijk Van DijkClaude Young, Mijk Van Dijk5:34
8The Church Of The Iron FistMijk Van DijkClaude Young, Mijk Van Dijk6:43
9Ride-In UMijk Van DijkMijk Van Dijk, Thomas Schumacher5:07
10DeliveryMijk Van DijkMijk Van Dijk, Thomas Schumacher5:25
11Bye Bye BertiMijk Van DijkGert van Veen, Mijk Van Dijk4:55
12Sai HakkenMijk Van DijkJohannes Talirz, Mijk Van Dijk7:12
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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