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Mike Oldfield
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Compil. RU 1999 on Dance Ok! Studio label
Electronic and Rock (Modern Classical, Ambient, Pop Rock, Classic Rock)

NEW'99 1999•Dance•Ok! Studio Dortmund Germany Track list printed on release is incorrect. Corrected track list given above. Below is the track list as it appears on back cover: 01. Muse 02. Sentinel 03. Man in the rain 04. Shadow on the wall 05. To France 06. Embers 07. Moonlight shadow 08. Tubular world 09. Island 10. The hero 11. Ascension 12. Summit day 13. The top of the morning 14. Dark island 15. Flovers of the forest 16. Enigmatism Release packaged in a Jewel Case with a black tray. Booklet: 4 pages. Inside booklet pages (2 & 3) are blank. Credits pages are missing. The CD has no IFPI codes. CD total running time: 69:15

PortraitMike Oldfield , *1953 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Tubular Bells (Opening Theme)Mike Oldfield4:17
2Man In The RainMike Oldfield4:00
3Shadow On The WallMike Oldfield5:06
4To FranceMike Oldfield4:37
5Moonlight ShadowMike Oldfield3:33
6Tubular WorldMike Oldfield3:27
7IslandsMike Oldfield4:18
8The HeroMike Oldfield4:57
9AscensionMike Oldfield5:51
10The Top Of The MorningMike Oldfield4:28
11Dark IslandMike Oldfield5:40
12The Source Of SecretsMike Oldfield5:35
13MuseMike Oldfield2:12
14EmbersMike Oldfield3:50
15Summit DayMike Oldfield3:47
16EnigmatismMike Oldfield3:30
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