*1926 RO
Romanian writter, lyricist born in Craiova, October 1th, 1926, passed away August 15, 1979 at "Filantropia" Hospital, Bucharest. August 19, 1979 - According to his will, was buried with his parents in Segarcea. He had 2 brothers. 1932 - 1935 attended primary school in Segarcea 1935 - 1940 student at the National College "Carol I" 'in Craiova 1937 debuted with poems and stories in "Ion Maiorescu" journal of College "Carol I" 1940 - 1934 studies at the Military School "King Ferdinand" in Timișoara 1943 - 1944 he enrolled at the Military School in Bucharest. It has a rich literary activity 1945 - 1950 Quit military career and enrolled at the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest 1950 - editorial debut novel "The pipeline from Big Hill" ("Conducta de pe Dealul Mare") 1967 - Becomes a member of the Writers' Union of Romania 1967 - 1977 published numerous articles and novels 1977 - Get certificate journalist. Employed as literary editor at the magazine "Military Life" 1978 - Very ill, publish his latest book: "Charge immortal - Volunteer George Donici" (Șarja nemuritoare - Voluntarul Gheorghe Donici")