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Album Cover
Moe! Staiano
The Lateness Of Yearly Presentations

Album US 2001 on Amanita label
Jazz and Classical (Abstract, Free Improvisation, Experimental)

The record used on the record player is an Eric Dolphy record. The 10 Indexes is a single track of ten sections/indexes. All tracks except #5 recorded at the Bomb Shelter in Oakland, California, USA between the 27th of December, 1997 through the 12th of April, 1998. Track 5 was recorded at 2544 3rd Street in San Francisco sometime in 1998. Digital editing and CD mastering was done at the Workhouse Studio 420 in San Jose, 1998. Cover and back photo taken in 2001. Inner photo taken during the recording sessions in 1998. Composed with additional contributions from all. The untitled song is not mentioned on the release. It is nearly in complete silence, ending with the statement: "The end of the CD sounds like... " ℗ 1998/2001 Moe! Staiano / © 2001 Moe! Staiano / © 2001 Dephine Knormal Musik

PortraitMoe! Staiano g, mar, US
composed by, photography by, disc photo, album by, drums, percussion, pressure tank tops, brake drums, oil barrel, sheet metal, wobble sheet, guitar, turntables, record player, vocals, screams, percussion, oil barrel, plastic barrel, metal objects, noises, mixer, percussion, snares drum, vocals, some shouts & breaths, horn, plastic, performer, whirle-tubes, whirle-buzzer, guitar, performer, bowed spatula, percussion, various metal objects, food pans, guitar, spring/nail, percussion, metal box, objects, scrapebell, piano frame, percussion, piano frame, kitchen sink, pans, zube tube, turntables, record player, percussion, metal percussion, tractor blades, etc., percussion, u-bolts, bowls, sheet metal, various metals, percussion, tuned pots, sheet metal, metal bowls, percussion, metal, scrapings, percussion, metal, guitar, spring/nail, percussion, woodblocks, tuned pots, vocals, yelling, performer, big homemade steel zither guitar (bowed/hit)
PortraitGeorge Cremaschi cb, US
double bass, contrabass
PortraitThomas Scandura dr, perc,
PortraitMark Schifferli ,
guitar, guitar, musical box
PortraitJohn Shiurba g, voc,
guitar, duck
PortraitDavid Slusser , *1952 US
PortraitPeter Oberender ,
clarinet, composed by, clarinet, performer, whirle-buzzer, clarinet, whistle, slide
PortraitRon Anderson , *1959 US
guitar, guitar, slide
PortraitMatt Ingalls cl, bcl, US
PortraitMorgan Guberman voc, US
voice, double bass, contrabass
PortraitDennis Fritts ,
PortraitSamantha Black ,
PortraitTom Nunn perc,
performer, space plate
PortraitNichole Sumner ,
PortraitChes Smith dr, US
cymbal, percussion, scrapes, horn, plastic, piano, thumb, drums
PortraitPeter Valsamis dr, CA
percussion, snare, hand drum, woodblocks, percussion, snare, woodblocks, hand drums, percussion, metal object, turntables, vocals, yelling
PortraitMichael De La Cuesta eg, cor,
sequenced by, drum machine, vibraphone
PortraitGarth Powell perc, dr,
percussion, stainless tin, file, performer, megaphone, saw, musical
PortraitBear ,
vocals, barking
PortraitRale Sidebottom ,
percussion, kitchen object bell, fallout drums
Alan Anzalone artwork, design & layout
Mark Johnson mastered by, cd mastering, edited by, digital editing
Ron Anderson mixed by, recorded by
Thomas Staiano photography by, cover & back photo
Peter Oberender photography by, inner photo
Mark Schifferli recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Insert Introduction Monologue Here IntroMoe! Staiano0:20
2Al Capone Died Of SyphilisMoe! Staiano3:44
3Convinced!Moe! Staiano3:10
4Atelier 8Moe! StaianoMoe! Staiano, Peter Oberender, Ron Anderson2:42
5Drum Mix VibratoMoe! Staiano3:02
6EncompassionedMoe! Staiano8:05
7SlurrrrrMoe! Staiano9:49
8Another Somewhere ThereaboutsMoe! Staiano8:16
9The 10 IndexesMoe! Staiano15:42
10Index OneMoe! Staiano
11Index TwoMoe! Staiano
12Index ThreeMoe! Staiano
13Index FourMoe! Staiano
14Index FiveMoe! Staiano
15Index SixMoe! Staiano
16Index SevenMoe! Staiano
17Index EightMoe! Staiano
18Index NineMoe! Staiano
19Index TenMoe! Staiano
20UntitledMoe! Staiano4:32
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