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Mort Shuman

voc, 1936-1991 US, Brooklyn
Singer / Musician / Songwriter of Pop
A.k.a. Mortimer Shuman

Born 12.11. 1936 in New York City . Died 3.11.1991 in London. Brooklyn born songwriter and pianist. Worked together with Doc Pomus. Their collaboration's output include classic such as Elvis Presley's "Surrender" and "His Latest Flame" or Drifters "Save The Last Dance For Me". During a stay in Paris, he met Jacques Brel whose songs he adapted in English and made into the "Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris" musical. His English adaptations of Brel's songs have been performed by many artists including Scott Walker, David Bowie or Dionne Warwick. In the 60s he moved permanently to Paris, where he embarked on a very successful recording career in French, scoring six gold records and one genuine popular classic in the shape of "Le Lac Majeur". He continued writing material for other artists until his death in 1991. Inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in 2010 (songwriter)

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Soundtrack
  • R&B/Soul
  • World
Popular Tracks   
Le lac majeur on Amerika by Mort Shuman
Un été de porcelaine on Les Plus Belles Chansons by Mort Shuman
Sorrow on Les Plus Belles Chansons by Mort Shuman
Papa Tango Charly on Les Plus Belles Chansons by Mort Shuman
Comme avant on Mort Shuman by Mort Shuman
Garde-moi la dernière danse on Les Plus Belles Chansons by Mort Shuman
Sorrow on A nous les petites Anglaises by Mort Shuman
Ma chanson italienne on Les Plus Belles Chansons by Mort Shuman
Twilight Time on A nous les petites Anglaises by Mort Shuman
Brooklyn By The Sea on Amerika by Mort Shuman

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Mort ShumanMort Shuman2009Compil.
GoldMort Shuman2007Compil.
Mortimer ShumanMort Shuman2006Compil.
Mort SchumanMort Shuman2006Compil.
Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In ParisMort Shuman, Elly Stone, Jacques Brel2005Album
Mort ShumanMort Shuman2005Compil.
Mort ShumanMort Shuman2005Compil.
Best OfMort Shuman2001Compil.
Master SerieMort Shuman1998Compil.
Ses Plus Belles ChansonsMort Shuman1997Compil.
Master Série Vol. 2Mort Shuman1997Compil.
MortimerMort Shuman1995Compil.
Distant DrumMort Shuman1991Album
Promised LandMort Shuman1991Single
AmalieMort Shuman1991Single
Bande Originale Du Film "Cent Francs L'Amour"Mort Shuman1986Album
Never Will You KnowStanley Myers / Mort Shuman / Véronique Lortal1984Single
PharaonMort Shuman1984Album
Extrait De L'Histoire Musical " Ma Ville "Mort Shuman / Nicoletta1983Single
Ma VilleMort Shuman1983Single
Succes 2 Disques Le Lac Majeur Papa-Tango-CharlyMort Shuman1983Compil.
Ma VilleMort Shuman, Nicoletta, Philippe Lavil, Modesty1983Album
Sorrow / Un Ete De PorcelaineMort Shuman1983Single
Je Suis Jaloux De VousMort Shuman1982Single
Cet Ami-laMort Shuman1982Single
Lumières D'amourMort Shuman1982Album
Lovely DaysMort Shuman1981Single
SlaveMort Shuman1980Album
Ma Chanson ItalienneMort Shuman1980Single
Machines / La Drôle De Folie Que Je VisMort Shuman1980Single
Quand Tu M'Aimeras MoinsMort Shuman1980Single
Zinguinchor / Ma Chanson ItalienneMort Shuman1980Single
Corfou Sans VousMort Shuman1980Single
Mein GesichtMort Shuman1979Album
Bande Originale Du Film "Tous Vedettes !"Mort Shuman, Claude Lemesle, Michel Lang1979Album
Le Nègre BlancMort Shuman1979Album
B.O. Du Film "Tous Vedettes"Mort Shuman, Claude Lemesle, Michel Lang1979Single
Ext. de la B.O. du film de Michel Lang "Tous Vedettes"Mort Shuman / Claude Lemesle / Michel Lang1979Single
Money HoneyMort Shuman1979Single
Comme AvantMort Shuman1978Single
Tage Wie Aus PorzellanMort Shuman1978Single
L'Hôtel De La Plage (Extraits De La Bande Originale Du Film De Michel Lang)Mort Shuman1978Album
Have You Seen My Shoes? / My Name Is MortimerMort Shuman1977Single
My Name Is MortimerMort Shuman1977Single
Mort Shuman Chante Ses Plus Grands Succès De 1972 A 1976Mort Shuman1977Compil.
Le Disque D'OrMort Shuman1977Compil.
Gestern (Sorrow)Mort Shuman1977Single
The Best Of Mort ShumanMort Shuman1977Compil.
My Name Is MortimerMort Shuman1977Album
Plus Ça Va, Moins Ça Va...Mort Shuman1977Single
Un Eté De PorcelaineMort Shuman1977Single
Gone Are The DaysMort Shuman1977Single
Sex O'clock / Baby Come OnMort Shuman1977Single
My Name Is MortimerMort Shuman1977Single
Imagine...Mort Shuman1976Album
ImagineMort Shuman1976Single
Imagine...Mort Shuman1976Album
Sorrow / Papa-Tango-CharlyMort Shuman1976Single
Une Femme FideleMort Shuman, Pierre Porte1976Album
Save The Last Dance For MeMort Shuman1976Single
Papa-Tango-CharlyMort Shuman1976Single
Sorrow / Let Me Take You By The HandMort Shuman1976Single
A Nous Les Petites AnglaisesMort Shuman1976Album
Un Type Comme Moi Ne Devrait Jamais Mourir (Bande Sonore Originale Du Film)Mort Shuman1976Single
Sorrow / Botany BayMort Shuman1976Single
Sex O'Clock U.S.A. (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Mort Shuman1976Album
Die Rosen Von Schloß BelvedereMort Shuman1975Single
Eric Blau's Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In ParisElly Stone, Mort Shuman, Joe Masiell With Jacques Brel1974Album
Les Guichets du LouvreMort Shuman1974Single
La Splendeur De Rome / La MuselièreMort Shuman1974Single
Des Musiques SentimentalesMort Shuman1974Single
Poor Old GodMort Shuman1974Single
Des Chansons SentimentalesMort Shuman1974Album
Voila Comment..Mort Shuman1973Album
Brooklyn By The SeaMort Shuman1973Single
Ecoute Ce Que Je Vais Te DireMort Shuman1973Single
Le Lac MajeurMort Shuman1973Single
Black Baudelaire / Mister LeeMort Shuman1973Single
Chante Brel En AnglaisMort Shuman1973Single
Voilà Comment Tu M'as LaisséMort Shuman1973Single
Western ShoreMort Shuman1973Single
AmerikaMort Shuman1972Album
Shami-Sha / Brooklyn By The SeaMort Shuman1972Single
Le Lac Majeur / Shami-ShaMort Shuman1972Single
Lei Mi Darà Un Bambino (She's Gonna Give Me A Baby)Mort Shuman1970Single
My DeathMort Shuman1969Album
Desperate Ones (Les Désespérés) / If We Only Have Love (Quand On A Que L'Amour)Elly Stone, Mort Shuman, Shawn Elliott, Alice Whitfield1968Single
Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In ParisEric Blau And Mort Shuman1968Album
Monday MondayMort Shuman1967Single
Cry A LittleMort Shuman1966Single
Give Her Lots Of Love / Poppa Come HomeMort Shuman1965Single
Turn Me Loose / I'm A ManMort Shuman1959Single
I'm A Man (One-sided Demo)Mort Shuman1959Single
I'm A Man (One-sided Demo)Mort Shuman1959Single
M. ShumanMort ShumanCompil.
Le Lac MajeurMort ShumanCompil.
Le Lac Majeur / Papa Tango CharlieMort ShumanSingle
Mort ShumannMort ShumanCompil.
Mort Shuman - Volume 2Mort ShumanCompil.
America I Love YouMort ShumanSingle
Le Lac MajeurMort ShumanSingle
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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