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Album Cover
On The Backs Of Soldiers

Album US 2010 on Obliq Recordings label
Electronic and Spoken Word (IDM, Spoken Word, Experimental, Ambient)

Multicast, in conjunction with Regis University's Department of War History and the Aurora (Colorado) History Museum, produced this “environment of sound” podcast for an exhibit at the museum running from June 13 - September 17, 2006. The exhibit displayed what was "On the Backs of Soldiers" while they were enlisted for every United States war. The podcast was created using two hour interviews that Regis University captured from American war heroes. Multicast watched each of these interview videos many times and came up with an overall "theme" presented by each of the soliders. They then condensed the interviews around those themes and created a soundtrack base for each of the stories. The veterans all listened to the tracks and approved them before release. This January 2010 release from the Obliq Recordings website is identical to the original June 2006 podcast release via the City of Aurora's website, with the exception of minor changes to filenames and MP3 metadata, and the addition of artwork. The OBQ-12 cat# was given to the release in January 2010 when the updated files were first made available; this cat# only appears on the Obliq website.

PortraitMulticast , *1993 US
album by
PortraitAHM Staff ,
performer on track
PortraitJ. Carmasino ,
PortraitP. Antonelli ,
PortraitG. Dorry ,
PortraitS. Bullard ,
PortraitRowan Smith ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1IntroductionAHM Staff1:08
3Second GuessMulticast7:07
4Secret CodesMulticast6:29
5Letters Never SentMulticast8:08
6From Midway To MideastMulticast17:05
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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