Band, *2009
The Mystenoir project was born in the winter of 2009 from an idea of Hell (voice and keyboards), Etienne (drums) and Rosso (guitar), trying to get inspiration from the gothic world and flowing into alternative rock atmospheres. In March 2010, the three decide to record their first single "D.Thorns" at the Basement Studio. Subsequently they enter the band Mecenoir (new guitar) and Baldo (bass). In October, the four returned to the studio and recorded their first EP "Short tales of love and misery vol.1". Members: Arturo Bortolati, voice and keyboards Carlo Maria Mecenero, guitar Michele Baldin, bass Stefano Lovato, drum
Stefano Lovato dr | |
Arturo Bortolati key | |
Carlo Maria Mecenero g | |
Michele Baldin b |