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Album Cover
Wind-Bound At Misery Harbour

Album 1997 on Ducadosound label
Rock (Indie Rock)

PortraitNagant key, b, US
album by
PortraitRolf Hoff Baltzersen cb,
arranged by, strings, contrabass
Terje Mandal
Pål-Arne Holkestad
drums, percussion
Geir F Johnsen
guitar, arranged by, synthesizer, sampler, design, cover
Rolf Melum
photography by, band
Trondhejms Sjøfartsmuseum
photography by, cover, page 3
Ebba Moi
photography by, page 2
Jan Rune Wold
computer, editing & manipulation, recorded by, samples
PortraitKim B Berge g, voc,
vocals, guitar
PortraitAnders Traa ,
PortraitUlla-Britt Hasselvold ,
PortraitTodd Rapp ,
lyrics by
Erik Haarberg art direction
Craig Morris mastered by
Trude Midtgård mixed by
Nagant producer
Ådne Røkkum recorded by
Maria Heimsnes backing vocals
Todd Rapp
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Mameav HillNagant3:13
3Yoko DosNagant4:33
4The Killer Inside Lou FordNagant2:55
5Pacha NightsNagant5:28
7Half-Moon FaceNagant2:32
9The Bar Kennedy Marlboro PoemNagantTodd Rapp3:57
11Blind NurseNagant3:38
13Leponex MoonNagant10:13
14Bonus TracksNagant
15Smoking Spanish Low-Price Cigarettes On The 6th Of January 1996Nagant2:38
16Everything's Stolen - Ruffles ForeverNagant3:07
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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