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Album Cover
Naked Hazelbeard
Between The Lines

Album DE 2015 on Pogodepp Records label
Alternative (Grunge, Southern Rock, Stoner Rock, Blues Rock, Folk Rock)

exactly the same as the official release but without barcode

PortraitNaked Hazelbeard ,
album by
PortraitMarcin Kicyk b, PO
PortraitMark Ayerle g,
PortraitMoritz Bigalke g,
PortraitJan Weitzenbürger voc, g, acg,
producer, vocals, guitar
PortraitKatharina Grohmann perc, voc,
vocals, percussion
Marc Ayerle producer, recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Save MeNaked Hazelbeard
2In The CityNaked Hazelbeard
3Can´t ReleaseNaked Hazelbeard
4Have To HideNaked Hazelbeard
5No Way To FleeNaked Hazelbeard
6CaveNaked Hazelbeard
7HarmonyNaked Hazelbeard
8I Wonder WhenNaked Hazelbeard
9Standin`against MeNaked Hazelbeard
10Scoff At Your ChainsNaked Hazelbeard
11Kill My WillNaked Hazelbeard
12Dead InsideNaked Hazelbeard
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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