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Necdet Yaşar

b, *1930 TR, Nizip
Musician of Country and World

Necdet Yaşar (born 1930) is a Turkish tanbur lute player, band leader, theorist and teacher. Yaşar is noted for his command of the Turkish makam melodic modes, his influential tanbur techniques, and the construction of his taksim improvisations. A founding member of the Istanbul State Turkish Music Ensemble, he performed throughout the world as a cultural ambassador for Turkey and taught twice at the University of Washington (USA). In 1991, the Turkish government awarded him the title of "National Artist" He directed the ensemble until 1995 when he retired.

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Suzidil Saz Semaisi on Necdet Yasar - Arşiv by Necdet Yaşar
Mahur Peşrev:Gazi Giray Han on Necdet Yaşar 2 Arşiv Serisi by Necdet Yaşar
Muhayyerkürdi Taksim on Necdet Yaşar 2 Arşiv Serisi by Necdet Yaşar
Pençgâh Peşrevi on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın
Hüseynî Saz Semaisi on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar, No. 2 by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın
Rast Kâr-ı Nâtık'tan Esintiler on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın
Sabâ Peşrevi on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın
Kürdilicazkar Saz Semaisi on Necdet Yaşar 2 Arşiv Serisi by Necdet Yaşar
Bayati Saz Semaisi on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın
Bestenigâr Peşrevi on Niyazi Sayın & Necdet Yaşar, No. 2 by Necdet Yaşar & Niyazi Sayın

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Title Artist Year Type
Arşiv Serisi 2Necdet Yaşar2003Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Necdet Yaşar Ensemble World
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