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Album Cover
5-way Split

Album RU 2012 on Zymotic Productions label
Alternative (Goregrind, Grindcore, Noise)

PortraitNecrocephal ,
album by
PortraitBroken Dog ,
performer on track
PortraitHydrophallos ,
performer on track
PortraitSexual-rough Perversion ,
performer on track
PortraitKloaka Uzurpator ,
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Вождь краснокожих свинейBroken Dog (2)2:10
2Забуксовали челюсти в трупеBroken Dog (2)2:10
4Phallos IIHydrophallos1:06
5Пожирая ХристаNecrocephal1:18
6Щипцы не для сахараNecrocephal0:53
7God Of The Hell/Invasion In Intimate ZoneSexual-rough Perversion7:12
8Pose 69 (pornoversia)Sexual-rough Perversion2:28
9a) Мы-гниды! б) Свиньи жрут детей в) Копошась в своей рвотеKloaka Uzurpator0:34
10а) Сожравший свой череп б) Наш Бог - Рогатая Собака в) Свят и мертвKloaka Uzurpator0:51
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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