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Album Cover
Nena Kerner
Du Bist Gut.

Album DE 2012 on Laugh + Peas label
Rock and Pop

Comes with separate cover with 2 different color options.

PortraitNena Kerner voc, *1960 DE
bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, programmed by, vocals, album by, lyrics by, music by
Doug Wickham
Ronnie Bromhead
Mick Loos
bagpipes, uilleann pipes, tin whistle
PortraitDerek Von Krogh key, DE
bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, mixed by, producer, programmed by, music by, lyrics by
PortraitPaul Di Leo b,
bass, music by
PortraitNayon Han vc, KR
PortraitPhilipp Palm dr, DE
drums, percussion
PortraitVan Romaine dr, perc, US
drums, music by
PortraitJohn Andrews g, voc,
guitar, music by
PortraitArne Augustin syn, DE
keyboards, programmed by
PortraitDaniel Sadownick perc, US
PortraitLolla Süssmilch , DE
PortraitElissa Lee vl, vn, CA
PortraitSeyon Han vn,
PortraitAleen ,
Sakias Kerner
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Das Ist Nicht AllesNena KernerNena Kerner
2SchmetterlingNena KernerNena Kerner
3Lied Nummer EinsNena KernerNena Kerner
4Im Reich Meiner MitteNena KernerNena Kerner
5FreiheitNena KernerNena Kerner
6Besser Gehts NichtNena KernerNena Kerner
7Ich Hör Mir ZuNena KernerNena Kerner
8Wo Ist Mein ZuhauseNena KernerNena Kerner
9Goldene Zeit Goldenes LandNena KernerNena Kerner
10Solange Du Dir Sorgen MachstNena KernerNena Kerner
11LautlosNena KernerDerek Von Krogh
12Ich Hab Dich VerlorenNena KernerNena Kerner
13Deine Flügel Brechen NichtNena KernerNena Kerner
14FriedenNena KernerNena Kerner
15Du Bist GutNena KernerNena Kerner
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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