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Band, ES
Folk and World

Spanish band founded in the 70s by Germán Torrellas as a traditional music/old music band, still active today. Estíbaliz Ruiz, soprano Ingartze Astuy, mezzo Eva Ozáez, violin Emma Mendo, oboe Germán Torrellas Paz, violoncello Patricia Mora, clave Germán Torrellas Liébana, bass-barítone, vihuela de arco, baroque guita

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No hay carretera sin barro on Neocantes by Neocantes
Canción de texedores on Neocantes by Neocantes
Paloma del palomar on Neocantes by Neocantes
Aurtxoa Seaskan on Neocantes by Neocantes
Fleur d'epine on Neocantes by Neocantes
Canción india on Neocantes by Neocantes
Al Monte: Dúo a la Asunción de Nuestra Señora on José Español: Canciones a Lo Divino by José Español, Neocantes, Ingartze Astuy & Germán Torrellas Liébana
Al Convite: Dúo al Santísimo Sacramento on José Español: Canciones a Lo Divino by José Español, Neocantes, Ingartze Astuy & Germán Torrellas Liébana
A solas soy alguien on Neocantes by Neocantes

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
A Solas Soy Alguien / No Hay Carretera Sin BarroNeocantes1973Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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