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Album Cover
Nite Jewel + Stellar OM Source
Christmas Split 7"

Single JP 2011 on BIG LOVE RECORDS label
Electronic and Pop (Abstract)

Nite Jewel - All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey cover) "My high school friend used to play this Mariah Carey CD during the Christmas holidays at her house. I didn't celebrate Christmas so I used to go to her house to drink brandy and look at her manger scenes. The best thing about Christmas was this CD and the brandy." Stellar OM Source - Miracles "Christmas is called Noël in my mother language. That word has the power to bring me back to times of feelings of magic, when I was a little girl. Because there was often snow, the lights, the nights, the reflections, the excitement, those memories gave me the title of 'Miracles'. I felt if I'd believe strong enough in this magic, miracles would happen..." Artwork by: Ola Vasiljeva Produced by: Haruka Big Love "Every winter I get confused and feel funny with the Japanese people celebrating Christmas even 90% of them have no idea what it stands for. However, I always love the beautiful illuminations, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Christmas cakes. If you have the best BGM... then it's gonna be perfect."

PortraitNite Jewel , *2008 US
album by
PortraitStellar OM Source , NL
album by
Ola Vasiljeva artwork
平田春果 compilation producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1All I Want For Christmas Is YouNite Jewel
2MiraclesStellar OM Source
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