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Album Cover
Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats
The 25th Anniversary Concert / 結成25周年記念リサイタル

Album JP 2010 on art union label
Jazz (Big Band)

The reproduced cover art displays the artist and title as Nobuo Hara And His Sharps & Flats / "The 25th Anniversary Concert." (with a full stop at the end) The OBI displays the artist and title as 原信夫とシャープス&フラッツ / 結成25周年記念リサイタル Recorded live at Kohsei Nenkin Hall (which is listed in Discogs as Koseinenkin Kaikan), Tokyo, March 19, 1976

PortraitNobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats , JP
album by
PortraitKiyoshi Yamaya , *1932 JP
arranged by
PortraitOsamu Ohnishi ,
arranged by
PortraitHiroshi Okazaki as, bs,
arranged by
PortraitNorio Maeda p, 1934-2018 JP
arranged by
PortraitOliver Nelson ts, as, 1932-1975 US
composed by, arranged by
PortraitYuji Ohno p, key, JP
arranged by, composed by, arranged by
PortraitQuincy Jones voc, tr, *1933 US
arranged by
PortraitToshihiko Ogawa p,
arranged by
PortraitJun Fukamachi key, 1946-2010 JP
composed by, arranged by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Theme (Blue Flame)Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats0:53
2Hamp's BoogieNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsLionel Hampton4:48
3In The Shade Of The Old Apple TreeNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsWilliam York4:50
4Tiger RagNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsTony Sbarbaro3:41
5Night TrainNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsJimmy Forrest3:00
6I'm A Fool To Want YouNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsJack Wolf4:22
7One O'Clock JumpNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsCount Basie5:38
8Hakone Hachi-RiNobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats3:53
9Sohran BushiNobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats6:05
103-2-1-0Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsOliver Nelson3:36
11Theme (Blue Flame)Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & Flats1:00
12Too HighNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsStevie Wonder6:17
13SeagullNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsYuji Ohno6:21
14SuperstitionNobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsStevie Wonder5:45
15Scotophobia Part 1Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsJun Fukamachi5:59
16Scotophobia Part 2Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsJun Fukamachi4:39
17Scotophobia Part 3Nobuo Hara and His Sharps & FlatsJun Fukamachi6:22
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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