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Album Cover
Nurit Galron

Compil. IL 1997 on המון הפקות label
Rock and Pop

PortraitNurit Galron bvoc, *1951
album by, lyrics by
PortraitMatti Caspi , *1949 BR
arranged by, composed by
PortraitJonathan Ratosh ,
lyrics by
PortraitHanan Yovel voc, g, bvoc,
composed by, arranged by
PortraitNatan Zach , *1930 DE
lyrics by
PortraitIlan Virtzberg , *1951
composed by, arranged by
PortraitLior Tevet ,
arranged by
PortraitShlomo Artzi voc, bvoc, *1949
lyrics by, composed by
PortraitEli Mohar bvoc, voc, 1948-2006
lyrics by
PortraitShalom Hanoch voc, g, *1946
composed by, arranged by
PortraitShem-Tov Levi fl, voc, *1950
arranged by
PortraitRachel Shapira ,
lyrics by
PortraitShlomo Gronich p, voc, *1949 IL
composed by, arranged by
PortraitMeir Vizeltir , *1941
lyrics by
PortraitMoshe Levi p, key, org,
arranged by
PortraitYakov Gilad ,
lyrics by
PortraitLeah Goldberg , 1911-1970 DE
lyrics by
PortraitDavid Avidan ,
lyrics by
PortraitAlona Turel key, perc, *1944
arranged by
Portraitיונה וולך , 1944-1985
lyrics by
PortraitGil Feldman ,
arranged by
PortraitYonathan Geffen voc, acc, *1947
lyrics by
PortraitOfer Meiri syn, g,
arranged by
PortraitAviv Geffen voc, *1973 IL
lyrics by
PortraitShira Geffen , *1971
lyrics by
Etti Aneta producer
Michael Tapuach producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1כמעטNurit GalronYigal Gordon, Jonathan Ratosh3:04
2כשצלצלת רעד קולךNurit GalronHanan Yovel, Natan Zach3:42
3אתה הרי יודעNurit GalronIlan Virtzberg, Nurit Galron5:04
4מעביר דףNurit GalronShlomo Artzi5:00
5כמעט טוב (אל תתנצל)Nurit GalronMatti Caspi, Natan Zach4:01
6נגיעה אחת רכהNurit GalronYoni Rechter, Eli Mohar4:57
7כולנו זקוקים לחסדNurit GalronIlan Virtzberg, Natan Zach4:47
8כי האדם עץ השדהNurit GalronShalom Hanoch, Natan Zach4:13
9למדני את השיר הפשוטNurit GalronRami Bar-David, Rachel Shapira3:07
10סימפטיהNurit GalronShlomo Gronich, Meir Vizeltir4:05
11שיר אהבהNurit GalronIlan Virtzberg, Natan Zach3:15
12ילדות נשכחתNurit GalronYehudit Ravitz, Yakov Gilad3:26
13מה יהיה בסופנוNurit GalronAsher Bitansky, Leah Goldberg4:19
14תקריתNurit GalronArkadi Duchin, David Avidan4:25
15 זה הגשםNurit GalronRan Efron, יונה וולך4:04
16 אין מדינה לאהבהNurit Galronצביקה פיק, Yonathan Geffen3:55
17 אתה פה חסר ליNurit GalronAviv Geffen, Aviv Geffen, Shira Geffen5:01

30sec audio samples provided by

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