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Album Cover
Nurse With Wound
The Swinging Reflective (Favourite Moments Of Mutual Ecstasy)

Compil. UK 1999 on United Dairies label
Electronic and Rock (Avant-garde, Industrial, Experimental)

Released in gatefold sleeve. Made in England. World Serpent Distribution. Digital transfer at Country Masters. Track 1-4 ("Brained by Falling Masonry") is credited as "based on a song by Joel Vandroogenbroeck and Dawn Muir" (the members of the Krautrock band Brainticket). 1-1 originally released on Belle De Jour. 1-2 originally released on Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish. 1-3 originally released on Malachai. 1-4 originally released on Brained By Falling Masonry. 1-5 originally released on Looney Runes. 1-6 originally released on Crumb Duck. 1-7 originally released on Hoisting The Black Flag. 2-1 originally released on Foxtrot. 2-2 originally released on Simple Headphone Mind. 2-3 originally released on Musicalische Kürbs Hütte. 2-4 was later released on Santoor Lena Bicycle. 2-5 originally released on How To Destroy Angels (Remixes and Re-Recordings). 2-6 originally released on Succour (The Terrascope Benefit Album). 2-7 originally released on Songs Of An Impotent Troubadour.

PortraitNurse With Wound , *1979 GB
album by
PortraitDenis Blackham , *1952 GB
transferred by, digital transfer
PortraitSteven Stapleton , *1957 GB
performer on track
PortraitInflatable Sideshow , GB
performer on track
PortraitCoil , *1982
performer on track
PortraitNurse With Wound & Chris Wallis ,
performer on track
PortraitNurse With Wound & Tiny Tim ,
performer on track
Babs Santini cover
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Collaborations 1980 - 1999Nurse With Wound
2Dead Roads / Cradle Your Snatch / The Little SeedNurse With Wound9:41
3The Frightened CitySteven Stapleton8:48
4The Window On The WorldSteven Stapleton11:32
5Brained By Falling MasonryNurse With Wound12:26
6Panzer RuinSteven Stapleton6:15
7Animal Or VegetableNurse With Wound13:27
8Duelling BanjosNurse With Wound11:59
9Bone FrequencyInflatable Sideshow10:06
10Simple Headphone MindNurse With Wound10:46
11The Dead Side Of The MoonSteven Stapleton9:36
12Generally Regarded As SafeNurse With Wound5:27
13How To Destroy Angels IICoil8:39
14AngleNurse With Wound & Chris Wallis5:20
15Just What Do You Mean By "Antichrist"?Nurse With Wound & Tiny Tim7:22
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