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Album Cover
Otto Wolters
Ever Green: Present Famous German Evergreens

Album DE 1999 on Cord Aria label

Recorded December 12./13.1998

PortraitOtto Wolters p, *1938 DE
piano, album by
PortraitGunnar Plümer b, *1951 DE
PortraitMichael Küttner perc, *1954 DE
Silke Erdmann artwork
Hrolfur Vagnsson engineer, mastered by
Charles Benecke liner notes
Hanno Keppel photography
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sei Lieb Zu MirOtto WoltersHeino Gaze5:18
2Ich Liebe Die Sonne, Den Mond Und Die SterneOtto WoltersGünther Wittkopp7:33
3Bei Dir War Es Immer So SchönOtto WoltersTheo Mackeben5:48
4Ein Freund, Ein Guter FreundOtto WoltersWerner Richard Heymann5:51
5Ich Tanze Mit Dir In Den Himmel HineinOtto WoltersFriedrich Schröder5:11
6Auf Wiederseh'nOtto WoltersEberhard Storch4:00
7IllusionOtto WoltersFranz Grothe4:44
8Es War Einmal Eine LiebeOtto WoltersAlfred Jack7:22
9Frühling In SorrentOtto WoltersGerhard Winkler6:39
10Ich Weiß, Es Wird Einmal Ein Wunder GeschehenOtto WoltersMichael Jary5:58
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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