A.k.a. Pachanguitz y Las Mango
Pachangitz y Las Mango was a musical project and sound journey through Lateinamerica till Spain, to aim to find some of the rhyrhm roots + armonical background each member of this group. From Catalan-Rumba (not to be confused with the cuban Rumba!), some Flamenco flavours, till cumbia and cuban son. Al played with ONLY acoustics instrument (wood guitars, wood cajón, shakers, violin, hand claps, etc) and NOT amplifiyed. What woud them allowed to play free on the street every day, and to have some minimal transportation costs, so they were pretty good on the road then. The band was: Irene (violin, lead vocals, backing vocals, hand claps and dance performances), Barcelona, Spain; Natalia (backing vocals, hand claps + dance coreography), El Bolsón, Argentina; Rodrigo (Cajón, shakers, djembe, guiro, and backing vocals), Santiago, Chile; Rafa (spanish guitar, contrareloj, and lead vocals), Barcelona, Spain; Jota (spanish guitar, solos, backing vocals), Santiago, Chile; Pollo (cuatro, shakers, backing vocals), Santiago, Chile. They were active from 2008 till 2010 and played in "Karneval der Kulturen" in Berlin and in many others places.