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Artist Portrait

Palya Bea

voc, *1976 HU, Makó
Singer of Folk and World
A.k.a. Palya Beáta

Bea Palya (born in Makó, 11 November 1976) is a Hungarian folk-song singer and performer. Bea is continually studying the art of song. The strength of her talent is such that she is able to use what she learns to develop her own style. She spent her childhood in the village Bag, where she danced and sang in the local dance-group. She began her education in the Apáczai Csere János Gimnázium, and studied ethnography at Eötvös Loránd University. She graduated in 2002.

  • Vocals
  • Cowbell
  • Drums
  • Folk
  • World
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Children's Music
Popular Tracks   
Csend Csend Csend on Tovább Nő by Palya Bea
Cica cica fekete on Nappali dalok by Palya Bea
Szabadon on by Palya Bea
Szaladnak a madarak a tetőn on Nappali dalok by Palya Bea
Lába, lába, lili lába on Nappali dalok by Palya Bea
Csoda on Altatok by Palya Bea
Égi furulyás - Altatás on Baba HANGoló dalok by Palya Bea
Cinegés on Altatok by Palya Bea
Háború és béke on Fénydalok by Palya Bea
Dallal vigasztal on Fénydalok by Palya Bea

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
HazatalálokPalya Bea2018Album
Tovább NőPalya Bea2016Album
Palya BeaPalya Bea2015Album
Palya Bea2014Album
Ezeregy Szefárd Éjszaka (Koncertfelvételek - Live Recordings)Palya Bea2012Album
RibizliálomPalya Bea2011Compil.
Én Leszek A JátékszeredPalya Bea2010Album
Egyszálének / JustonevoicePalya Bea2009Album
Adieu Les ComplexesPalya Bea2008Album
Szeretetből Jöttél Erre A VilágraPalya Bea2007Album
Álom-Álom, Kitalálom (Énekelt Mese)Palya Bea2004Album
Ágról-ÁgraPalya Bea2003Album
Sindbad's SongsSzőke Szabolcs, Palya Bea ✻ András Monori ✻ Péter Szalai2000Album
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