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Album Cover
Rock & Roll Addiction

Compil. CL 1998 on WEA label
Rock (Heavy Metal)

Tracks 1 to 5 are live versions, and tracks 6 & 7 are bonus tracks. (P) & (C) 1998 Warner Music Chile S.A. "Alerta Roja" first track of the band recorded in 1986, and included in the first compilation of national metal Infierno Rock, live version of this song was taken from the concert supporting Iron Maiden, Teatro Monumental (1996). "Caballero Negro" classic song of the national metal, cover of the first metal band Feedback which was included in the repertoire of Panzer classic songs, live version taken from the album release En El Nombre De..., Discoteque Cover (1996). "Pequeño Niño" classic song of the first Panzer generation, first time recorded on November 1996, for the album En El Nombre De..., live version taken from Panzer concert suporting AC/DC, Velódromo Del Estadio Nacional (1996). "Sueños Metálicos" classic song of the band, recorded in 1987, and included in the first LP of the band Tierra De Metales, live version taken from the Panzer concert supporting Iron Maiden, Teatro Monumental (1996). "Rock & Roll Addiction" classic song of the band, in the generation '90, included in the album Crol, Vivo O Muerto, live version taken from Panzer concert suporting AC/DC, Velódromo Del Estadio Nacional (1996). "Fuera De Control" & "Sombras De La Noche" bonus track, next album advance, showing two different aspects of what Panzer will be in 2000. "Reflexiones", "Búscame" & "Déjalo Nacer" classic songs included in the album Crol, Vivo O Muerto, released live in the Panzer concert supporting Megadeth, Estadio Nacional (1994). "La Jaula" classic song of the album Tierra De Metales 87, and first South American classic of national metal included in the album of more representatives bands of the Spanish-speaking world Latinos Y Metálicos, released live in Estadio De Obras, Ciudad De Buenos Aires (1991). "El Temor" classic Panzer song in its original version 1986, similar track included in the album Tierra De Metales (1987).

PortraitPanzer , *1987
album by
Carlos Gonzáles
crew, assistant
Gabriel Rojas
crew, assistant
Mauricio Duque
crew, assistant
Pablo Stagnaro
crew, assistant
Steve Matte
crew, assistant
Tomás Escudero
crew, assistant
Juan Carlos Yañez
Wanda Feller
other, transport
Katy Basten
producer, live
PortraitJuan Álvarez g,
lyrics by, music by
PortraitNestor Leal Ponce g, voc,
lyrics by, music by
PortraitKhano Álvarez voc, g,
lyrics by, music by
PortraitEugenio Pineida dr,
lyrics by, music by
Leonardo Messina artwork, digital assembly
Raúl Núñez artwork, digital assembly
Alex Fuentes design, cover
Panzer liner notes
Panzer Producciones management
Alejandro Navarro other, audiovisual
Eli Vasquez other, audiovisual
Marcos Reveco other, audiovisual
Ricardo "Popeye" García other, audiovisual
Marcos Faundez photography by
Juan Álvarez producer, artistic & musical
Mariano Pavéz producer, musical production
Charly Alvarado stage manager
Hugo Fuentes stage manager
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Alerta RojaPanzerJuan Álvarez5:10
2Caballero NegroPanzerNestor Leal Ponce4:16
3Pequeño NiñoPanzerJuan Álvarez7:07
4Sueños MetálicosPanzerJuan Álvarez4:25
5Rock & Roll AddictionPanzerJuan Álvarez4:09
6Bonus Track Avance Nueva ProduccionPanzer
7Fuera De ControlPanzerJuan Álvarez5:37
8Sombras De La NochePanzerKhano Álvarez4:37
9Versiones OriginalesPanzer
10ReflexionesPanzerJuan Álvarez4:34
11BúscamePanzerJuan Álvarez4:59
12 Déjalo NacerPanzerJuan Álvarez5:07
13 La JaulaPanzerJuan Álvarez4:24
14 El TemorPanzerEugenio Pineida, Juan Álvarez4:07

30sec audio samples provided by

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