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Album Cover
Papa Dee
One Step Ahead

Album SE 1993 on Telegram Records Stockholm label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Ragga HipHop)

PortraitPapa Dee voc, *1966 SE
album by, lead vocals
PortraitTim Bran key,
mixed by, keyboards, programmed by
PortraitGurra G. ,
music by, intro, scratches
PortraitDJ Ion ,
PortraitMartin Jonsson dr, SE
PortraitPeps Persson voc, g, h, *1946 SE
PortraitNiklas Medin org,
PortraitGordon Cyrus , *1966 SE
PortraitKristoffer Wallman ep, key, clv,
PortraitLati Kronlund b, key, g,
producer, mixed by, keyboards, programmed by
PortraitRichie Rich , GB
PortraitOla Gustavsson ,
PortraitMats Ronander voc, h, g, *1954 SE
PortraitFleshquartet , *1985 SE
PortraitADL , SE
rap, additional
PortraitSleepy Wonder voc, JM
arranged by
PortraitShelly Thunder voc, US
lead vocals
PortraitDavid "Fluxy" Heywood dr, perc,
drums, percussion, backing vocals
PortraitLeroy "Mafia" Heywood b, key, GB
keyboards, bass, backing vocals
F+ cover
Björn Engelmann mastered by
Gavin Evans photography by
Mathias Julin photography by
Peter Gehrke photography by, photography by, cover photo
Pam Beckford backing vocals
John "Speedy" Tutti engineer, mixed by
Papa Dee producer
Tim Bran producer
Desmond Foster backing vocals
Jacob Hellner mixed by, producer
Stefan Glaumann mixed by
Frankie La Motte backing vocals
Lizzie Zachrisson backing vocals
Christian Falk mixed by, producer
Titiyo backing vocals
SD50's mixed by
Louis Scalise recorded by
Sleepy Wonder backing vocals
David Barratt producer
David "Fluxy" Heywood producer
Leroy "Mafia" Heywood producer
Gurra G.
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Respect DuePapa Dee4:09
2Ain't No SubstitutePapa Dee3:52
3Love TrainPapa Dee3:54
4Runaround GirlPapa Dee3:50
5Mr. TaxidriverPapa Dee4:44
6A Girl Like HerPapa Dee3:49
7Confirm ReservationPapa Dee4:32
8Original Black VikingPapa Dee3:44
9Everybody Loves A WinnerPapa Dee3:49
10If You KnewPapa Dee4:23
11BimbogirlsPapa Dee4:24
12RumoursPapa Dee3:41
13Take It EasyPapa Dee4:30
14TonightPapa Dee4:04
15EaglePapa Dee4:00
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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