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Album Cover
Paradigm Shift
The Rain Child And The River King

Album JP 1986 on Better Days label
Electronic, Jazz, Rock and Pop (Synth-pop, Jazz-Funk, Jazz-Rock, Ballad)

Toshio Oguri appears courtesy of From East Kazuhiro Tokieda, Haruo Koguchi, Ken Okada, Katsuaki Uno, Seiko Sakuragi appears courtesy of Nippon Columbia Instruments recorded at Music Inn, Yamanaka lake, Fuji. April 1986 Vocals recorded and mixed at Columbia Studio, Tokyo. May 1986 Special thanks to: Seen Matsushita Kobo/Roppongi Pit Inn/Studio Half Moon/Kim Laboratory/Music Land Key/Ibanez/Sonor/Korg

PortraitParadigm Shift ,
album by
Chikako Goto
artwork by, screen print
PortraitYasuo Tomikura b, *1951
bass, synthesizer, written by
PortraitToshio Oguri bvoc,
coordinator, total co ordinator
PortraitMasahiro Miyazaki dr, *1955 JP
synthesizer, drums, simmons, written by
PortraitMakoto Matsushita g, voc,
guitar, synthesizer, vocals, written by
Seiko Sakuragi
layout, inner card
PortraitChris Mosdell voc, GB
lyrics by, written by
PortraitMasato Matsuda p, syn, *1956 JP
piano, synthesizer, written by
Fumio Hasegawa
mixed by, vocals, recorded by, vocals
Kazuyoshi Hinoki
mixed by, vocals, recorded by, vocals
PortraitShinichi Kawasumi , *1964
mixed by, vocals, recorded by, vocals
Haruo Koguchi art direction
Ken Okada directed by
Masanobu Nahata engineer, live engineering
Kazuhiro Tokieda engineer, studio engineering
Big Brother & Holding Company management
From East management
Tapes management
Katsuaki Uno mastered by
Nozomi Nakanishi musical assistance
Tomohisa Kawasoe musical assistance
Yoshiaki Hisada musical assistance
Yoshio Miyazaki musical assistance
Paradigm Shift producer
Shigeru Nakazato recorded by, instruments recording
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Falcon Man's Big LeapParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita, Yasuo Tomikura
2Stories From The Huge HeartParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita, Masahiro Miyazaki, Yasuo Tomikura
3The Rain Child And The River KingParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita, Masato Matsuda, Yasuo Tomikura
4Bringing Home The Singing FireParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita
5CatechismParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita, Masahiro Miyazaki, Masato Matsuda, Yasuo Tomikura
6The Last Leaf On The TreeParadigm ShiftMasato Matsuda
7The Naked Girl With The Fever DrumParadigm ShiftMakoto Matsushita, Masahiro Miyazaki, Masato Matsuda, Yasuo Tomikura
8 The Greatest WonderParadigm ShiftChris Mosdell, Makoto Matsushita

30sec audio samples provided by

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