voc, ES
Singer / Composer of Pop and Rock
A.k.a. Juan Antonio Castillo Juan Antonio Canta Pepe Limón
Spanish singer (Córdoba, 1966-1996). Lead singer and composer of Pabellón Psiquiátrico (1987-1992). They recorded four LPs, with funny songs like "En el cielo no hya alcohol" or "Inmaculada", and specially "G de Gilipollas", a celebrated parody of spanish fan-band Hombres G. In 1995 he became very famous due to his solo appearances in "Esta noche cruzamos el Mississippi", a TV show, under the name "Juan Antonio Canta". His song "Los cuarenta limones" was a hit in '96 summer. He died in December 22, 1996.
Pabellon Psiquiatrico |