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Artist Portrait

Pau Riba

g, voc, *1948 ES, Palma, Majorca
World, Rock and Folk
A.k.a. Pau Riba Romeva

Catalan multitalented artist and songwriter, Pau Riba i Romeva was born in August 7th 1948 in Palma de Mallorca. Descended from a bourgeois family, grandson of the poet and humanist Carles Riba and the poetess Clementina Arderiu by father side, and also grandson of the founder member of Unió Democràtica de Catalunya Pau Romeva by mother side, he raised in a worship, puritan, christian and catalanist atmosphere; however, he has become an alternative cultural landmark: unclassifiable, iconoclastic, transgressive, heterodox... Begun in the late 60's and framed within the Contracultura (Counterculture) movement, his work has had a relative critical recognition and a limited impact on the massive public; despite his unique and untransferable artistical stamp. He was married with Mercè Pastor, with whom had their sons Pauet Riba and Caïm Riba. He's also father of Pròsper Riba.

  • Guitar
  • Vocals
  • Electric guitar
  • Ukulele
  • Acoustic guitar
  • World
  • Rock
  • Folk
Popular Tracks   
I la pluja es va assecar... on dp + Mística Domèstica by Roger Mas
Un Matí de Dissabte on Ataràxia by Orchestra Fireluche & Pau Riba
Acorar on Segona Florada by Orchestra Fireluche & Pau Riba
Noia de porcellana on Dioptria by Pau Riba
D'Aina on Segona Florada by Orchestra Fireluche & Pau Riba
Per Què Fer Res on Ataràxia by Orchestra Fireluche & Pau Riba
L'home estàtic on Dioptria by Pau Riba
Pugeu A Bes on Segona Florada by Orchestra Fireluche & Pau Riba
Helena, desenganya't on Dioptria by Pau Riba
Cançó 7ª en colors on Dioptria by Pau Riba

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Mosques De ColorsPau Riba I Pascal Comelade2013Album
Virus LaicsPau Riba2008Album
Jisàs De Netzerit O Capítol Zero De La Guerra De Les GalàxiesPau Riba2001Album
Joguines D'Època I Capses De Mistos / Inicis No NicisPau Riba / Pau & Jordi1999Compil.
Astarot UniversdherbaPau Riba & Perucho's1998Album
CosmossomaPau Riba + Pastora1997Album
De Riba A RibaPau Riba Plus Big Ensemble Taller De Músics1994Album
TurronetPau Riba1993Single
Disc DurPau Riba1993Album
La Nit De Nadal / El Matí De NadalPau Riba1987Single
Transnarcís (Viatge Ovídic Dins Un Jardí Tancat)Pau Riba1986Album
"3x4"Santi Arisa, Jaume Sisa, Pau Riba1982Single
Pau RibaPau Riba1981Compil.
Marga MarguraPau Riba1981Single
Amarga CrisiPau Riba1981Album
Rollo Rock / Jo Penso En TuPau Riba1979Single
DioptriaPau Riba Acompanyat Per OM1978Compil.
La Cançó CatalanaLluis Llach, Raimon, Pau Riba, Ramón Muntaner, Coses1977Compil.
LicorsPau Riba1977Album
Licors / Orenella I GladiolPau Riba1977Single
Electroccid Àccid Alquimístic XocPau Riba1975Album
Jo, La Donya I El GripauPau Riba1971Album
Ars Eròtica (Non Est Mihi) / Rosa D'Abril (L'Amor S'Hi Posa)Pau Riba Acompanyat Per OM1970Single
Dioptria / 2Pau Riba1970Album
Mareta Bufona / KithouPau Riba Acompanyat Per OM1970Single
L'Home Estàtic / S'Ha Mort L'Estel Del PolPau Riba1969Single
DioptriaPau Riba Acompanyat Per OM1969Album
Noia De Porcellana / Els Morts De L'any 40Pau Riba1968Single
Taxista!Pau Riba1967Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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