b, *1943
Musician of Rock, Country and Pop
A.k.a. Pavel Petruška (today Pavel Braun) Hank Paul Jenkins
Born 10th April 1943 presumably in Kokory in czechslowakia. Organizer of multiple concerts in communistic czechoslowakia for bands such as "Manfred Mann"; Leader and bass player of the czechoslovakian band "Synkopa OB Prerov", in which he gained his nickname Mr. Karel, from 1964 until 1967 when he had to attend military. Teacher in Sports and Music in Czeckoslowakia and Germany. After his service he founded the "Academic Jazz Band" flight out of his homecountry in 1969 to Germany, wich lead to the almost complete annihilation of his name out of the history books. Is still living in Germany today. His probably most notable abitlity is his almost perfect listening pitch along with his ability to play every instrument of a symphonic orchestra.
Pavel Petruska |