perc, *1949
Musician of Rock
Chilean legendary percussionist, drummer and musician (b. 1949). He studied piano but at 15 he turned to drums as his band "Blops" needed a drummer and not a piano player. Later studied symphonic percussion with Guillermo Rifo and at Berklee University. In 1972 he moved to Europe, playing with Dharma Quintet and Alan Silva's band. In 1973 he returned to Chile and joined Fusión. Later he played with Los Sonny's (1975), founding his own band Nuevas Direcciones. In 1978 he joined Impresiones and in 1979 he joined Miguel Zabaleta's TV orchestra. He founded "Cometa" in 1981, and in 1989 whith his band mate Pablo Lecaros he joined Angel Parra Trío. In 1992 he founded La Marraqueta a fussion-jazz band. In the 90s he also played with "Los Tres" and "Los Titulares".