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Album Cover
Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark Pekarsky
Ritmo: Music For Percussion

Compil. 1989 on Мелодия label

All information on the cover is presented both in English and Russian: Ритмо Музыка для ударных Ансамбль ударных инструментов Художественный руководитель: Марк Пекарский Сторона 1 Д. Шостакович Антракт к 3-й картине I действия оперы «Нос», соч. 15 А. Хованес Гора в октябре, соч. 135 Сладкие слова (сиамская классическая мелодия VIII в.) Обработка М. Пекарского Сигналы битвы, батальные сцены для ударных и труб (неизвестный автор XVI – XVIII вв.) Обработка М. Пекарского Сторона 2 Две дукции (неизвестный автор XIII в.) Обработка М. Пекарского К. Чавес Токката 1. Allegro sempre giusto 2. Largo 3. Allegro un poco marziale 3. Финк Ритмо В. Артёмов Соната размышлений Послеполуденное размышление

PortraitPekarsky Percussion Ensemble , *1976
album by
PortraitMark Pekarsky perc, dr, *1940 RU
conductor, artistic director, album by, arranged by
Pyotr Vedenyapin
Sergei Zverkin
Владимир Пушкарев
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Entr'acte To Scene 3 Act 1 From Opera "The Nose", Op. 15Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark PekarskyDmitri Shostakovich3:00
2October Mountain, Op. 135Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark PekarskyAlan Hovhaness8:12
3Sweet Words (Siamese Classical Melody Of The 8th C.)Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark Pekarsky2:39
4Battle Calls, Battle Scenes For Percussion And Trumpets (Unknown Author Of The 16-18th C.)Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark Pekarsky9:38
5Two Deductions (Unknown Author Of The 13th C.)Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark Pekarsky3:09
6ToccataPekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark PekarskyCarlos Chávez12:05
7RitmoPekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark PekarskySiegfried Fink3:47
8Sonata Of Meditations (Afternoon Meditation)Pekarsky Percussion Ensemble Artistic Director Mark PekarskyVyacheslav Artyomov5:15
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