1900-1950 MX, Yucatán Peninsula
A.k.a. José Concepción Domínguez Zaldívar
Composer and musician. José Concepción Domínguez Zaldívar, was born in the City of Dzidzantún, Yucatán on July 16, 1900, being the eldest of the five children of the couple formed by Don Joaquín Domínguez Lizama and Severina Saldívar and Saldívar. When he was nine years old his family moved to the town of Cansahcab, where he began his studies. In that place he meets the poet Víctor Manuel Martínez Herrera, a character with whom, years later, he would compose the key "Beso Asesino". He died in Havana, Cuba on January 11, 1950.