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Album Cover
Per Nørgård / Karl Aage Rasmussen
Musical Province I

Album DK 1975 on Odeon label
Classical (Modern)

PortraitPer Nørgård voc, key, p, syn, *1932 DK
album by, composed by
PortraitKarl Aage Rasmussen , *1947 DK
album by, composed by
Peter Colbert
translated by
PortraitPoul Borum ,
translated by
PortraitMorten Zeuthen vc,
PortraitElisabeth Sigurdsson ,
PortraitErik Kaltoft p, org,
PortraitErling Møldrup g, 1943-2016 DK
PortraitTrio Celeste ,
PortraitEinar Nielsen dr, perc,
PortraitBodil Gümoes voc,
soprano vocals
Poul Ib Henriksen cover
Claus Byrith recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Spell (For Klarinet, Violoncel Og Klaver)Per Nørgård / Karl Aage RasmussenPer Nørgård
2Kærligheden Er I Verden (For Sopran, Guitar Og Slagtøj)Per Nørgård / Karl Aage RasmussenKarl Aage Rasmussen
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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