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Per-Arne Hognert And Hal McGee
Microcassette Split

Single US 2014 on HalTapes label
Electronic (Experimental, Noise, Field Recording, Lo-Fi)

Per-Arne Hognert "False spring tape dreams" All recordings took place in my bedroom if not otherwise specified. March 24, 2014 - Got the tape in the mail. * Recorded an improvised sad sounding tune with the Casio SA-77. * From the furnace room in the basement: Making noise with a bunch of firewood. Some metal thingy. Chopping firewood. Lighting the furnace. March 26, 2014 * Atari Punk Console noise. * Just outside the house: Grinding a handful of gravel. * From an empty house my parents are renovating: Sounds of an old detuned piano that has some broken strings. * From my dad's old barn: Fan with bad bearings spinning in the wind. * Two 16 note tunes (in a major scale) generated by a piece of software I'm working on. * Korg Monotribe synthesizer noises. March 30, 2014 * Outdoors: Rock thrown at empty oil drum. Birds tweeting, the wind and the sound of cars driving by. * From my dad's workshop: Messing around with random metal rods and a bunch of scrap metal. Banging my fist against a large metal drum. Slamming a large heavy door. * Outdoors: Conversing with the cat. * Went for a walk in a wooded area: Throwing pinecones in a pool of water. Grinding some jagged rocks. Throwing said rocks in a pool of water. Walking on a sandy path. Birds tweeting. Water trickling in a creek. Water running through a pipe. More tweets. March 31, 2014 * Monotron and Monotron Duo sounds and cassette tape of me talking. Passed through the Monotron Delay. The 'Sony Microcassette-corder M-455' was used for this recording. I was a bit disappointed in how much noise from the motor that was pick up by the mic. Originally I planned on using a 'Radionette' microcassette recorder, but when I recieved it in the mail it turned out to be in terrible condition and it sounded pretty much like crap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hal McGee "Social Anxiety" recorded April 8-28 on a Sony M-470 microcassette recorder rain on umbrella, shortwave radio (including a Numbers Station), kazoo, talking with a co-worker, cigar box diddley bow, Stanley, piano lady in lobby, voice, life monitor signal, street recordings, talking with a customer at the Wal-Mart pharmacy, talking with my mom

PortraitPer-Arne Hognert ,
album by
PortraitHal McGee syn, *1958 US
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Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1False Spring Tape DreamsPer-Arne Hognert And Hal McGee15:40
2Social AnxietyPer-Arne Hognert And Hal McGee15:42
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