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Album Cover
Peter Bellamy
Oak, Ash & Thorn

Album UK 1970 on Argo label
Folk (Folk)

A collection of songs by Rudyard Kipling, set and performed in the traditional idiom by Peter Bellamy with Royston Wood, Heather Wood, Barry Dransfield and Robin Dransfield. Recorded 1970 at Decca Studios, London. ℗ 1970. Made in England. The Decca Record Company Limited, Argo Division, 115 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6RR. Sleeve printed in England by Graphis Press Limited. Laminated with 'Clarifoil' made by British Celanese Limited. This edition has dark blue labels; for an edition with yellow labels, see Oak, Ash & Thorn.

PortraitPeter Bellamy voc, acc, g, 1944-1991 GB
vocals, liner notes, illustration, sleeve drawing, album by, written by, guitar, concertina
PortraitRudyard Kipling , 1865-1936 GB
lyrics by, written by
PortraitHeather Wood voc, *1945
vocals, chorus, harmony vocals
PortraitRobin Dransfield voc, g,
vocals, chorus
PortraitRoyston Wood voc, tam, 1935-1990
vocals, chorus, harmony vocals
PortraitBarry Dransfield voc, vn, GB
Anthea Bellamy design, sleeve design
Adrian Martins engineer
Frederick Woods producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Frankie's TradePeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
2Poor Honest MenPeter BellamyRudyard Kipling, Traditional
3Cold IronPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
4Sir Richard's SongPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
5The Looking GlassPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
6Oak, Ash & ThornPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
7King Henry VII And The ShipwrightsPeter BellamyRudyard Kipling, Traditional
8The Brookland RoadPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
9A Three Part SongPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
10The Ballad Of Minepit ShawPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
11Our Fathers Of OldPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
12PhiladelphiaPeter BellamyPeter Bellamy, Rudyard Kipling
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