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Album Cover
Pink Floyd
The Scarecrows Dream (Expanded Edition)

Album on Metal Sword Records label
Rock (Psychedelic Rock)

Errors And Inconsistencies: Track CD-19: Not present on release paperwork but is present on the media - song is 'Green Is The Colour'. Track DVD-3: Name shortened from the original - 'Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun' Track DVD-15: Not present on release paperwork but is present on the media - song is 'Jugband Blues'. Copyright dates of both 1996 and 2000 are present. The same catalog number "M.S.054/055" appears on all releases from this label so the apparent catalog numbers on the media has been used, which appear to be unique. Barcode, catalog number and some of the other identifiers on the release are the same on all releases from the same unknown company. Recording Notes: As noted in the track indices, which are present on the release. Other Notes: "©1996" CD Media Notes: "Scarecrows Dream" "Highland" "M.S. CD B388" "Not for sale* All right reserved* For promotional use only" "Original master recording" "©2000 M.S. Records Japan" DVD Media Notes: "Scarecrows Dream" "Highland" "M.S. DVD B389" "Not for sale* All right reserved* For promotional use only" "Original master recording" "©2000 M.S. Records Japan"

PortraitPink Floyd , *1965 GB
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1BBC Archives 1967-1969Pink Floyd73:32
2FlamingPink Floyd2:38
3ScarecrowPink Floyd2:03
4Matilda MotherPink Floyd3:20
5The GnomePink Floyd2:10
6Pow R Toc HPink Floyd2:58
7Vegetable ManPink Floyd3:24
8Scream Thy Last ScreamPink Floyd3:40
9Jugband BluesPink Floyd3:53
10Let There Be More LightPink Floyd3:42
11Murderistic WomenPink Floyd2:18
12Julia DreamPink Floyd2:24
13Massed Gadgets Of HerculesPink Floyd6:50
14Point Me At The SkyPink Floyd4:22
15EmbryoPink Floyd3:28
16Baby Blue Shuffle In D MajorPink Floyd3:55
17Interstellar OverdrivePink Floyd8:39
18DaybreakPink Floyd3:37
19NightmarePink Floyd3:29
20UntitledPink Floyd3:11
21Beset By Creature Of The DeepPink Floyd3:06
22The Narrow WayPink Floyd4:25
23Promotional VideosPink Floyd66:26
24Astronomy DominePink Floyd3:51
25Corporal CleggPink Floyd2:54
26Set The ControlsPink Floyd4:51
27Paintbox #1Pink Floyd3:39
28Scarecrow #1Pink Floyd2:03
29Scarecrow #2Pink Floyd2:29
30Arnold Layne #1Pink Floyd2:49
31See Emily PlayPink Floyd2:52
32Apples And OrangesPink Floyd3:06
33Arnold Layne #2Pink Floyd2:56
34Paintbox #2Pink Floyd3:41
35Let There Be More LightPink Floyd1:54
36Point Me At The SkyPink Floyd3:10
37EchoesPink Floyd23:07
38UntitledPink Floyd3:04
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